Nør Restaurant | Sa Terrasseta

Logo Nor restaurant

An authentic smokehouse in Andorra.


Monday, Saturday and Sunday from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. and from 7:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. 
Thursday and Friday from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
Closed Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

Logo Nor restaurant

Descubre una cocina que combina tradición e innovación a partes iguales, donde el fuego y el humo aportan una identidad única a nuestros platos de temporada y nuestros ahumados hechos en casa.

Working with the smokehouse 7 days a week

We eat like in the old days, cooking exclusively with wood and smoking with seasonal KMØ products.

We want to rediscover this way of cooking where time is not the most important thing, where what counts is the quality of the food and the experience of tasting smoked recipes in good company. Fire and smoke as a sign of identity. We work with the finest ingredients such as Pyrenean meat and smoked products in our kitchens, and we strive to do everything with our hands, bringing to our mountains the flavours, smells and sensations of other times and regions.


Fire and grill are one of our essential elements. Products that we always finish with a more intense flavour and are different from the rest.

We make our restaurant an ambassador for Norwegian smoked meats, the flavours of wild meats from the Pyrenees and the aromas of wood-fired cooking. Not forgetting the best pairings with selected wines to make the experience perfect and a finale with the best seasonal desserts, also smoked, for an explosion of your senses.

Our star dishes, our DNA

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